Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thanks Pal (from Sam)

Want to talk about practical? My pal gave me a great red and black project bag (it looks a lot like an old dr.'s bag) filled with knitting notions like stitch markers, needle gauges, swatch gauges (it has a needle gauge too and it may make me prone to swatching *snicker*), and highlighters and post-it notes (to contribute to my office supply addiction). There was a note in the bag to tell me to check all of the pockets and upon doing so I learned that each pocket that did not have a notion stuck in it was filled with Dove chocolates. Now that is practical! And the timing was perfect since I picked my gift up on my way to doing a teaching observation. The chocolates really came in handy for getting me through the afternoon.

I don't know who my pal is but with project bags, office supplies, and chocolate you are right on! Plus, a new bag means that I can cast on a new project!


Heather said...

What a great idea. Your pal is very clever!

Or maybe it's me, and I'm trying to throw you off...

(Cue Twilight Zone theme song...)

Selena Starfire said...

I didn't know you have an office supply addiction! Aaron thinks I'm a little nuts...maybe we need a support group.

Saffista said...

heather is evil :-P

Heather said...

We absolutely should start an office supply support group. I love, love, love buying pens and paper. In fact, when the Progressive rep was at our house discussing Curtis's bus accident, the main attraction was the pen she brought. I wrote down the brand and type, so I can find one of my own some day...

Michelle said...

So this is why you were talking about project bags and office supplies this afternoon.

Amanda said...

Count me in on the office supply addiction as well. I think I'm the only person in the world who actually enjoys shopping for school supplies because it gives me a legitimate reason to browse the office supply section. :)